Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ethical Dilemmas of Designer Babies (Pro) - Megan Kang

Ethical Dilemmas of Designer Babies (Pro) - Megan Kang

       In the past, doctors weren't able to cure the baby's genetic disease until the baby was born. Doctors could only detect certain genetic diseases or mutations a baby was going to have. However, recently doctors have been able to eliminate the chances of some genetic disease or mutation passing down to the baby. Theses genetic diseases and mutations are those that are formed because of mutations in the X and the Y chromosomes and passes down from one gender of the family to another of the same gender. Rather than allowing the genetic disease to carry on through out the family, the disease could potentially be eliminated from the family.

         Genetic Modifications would help scientists gain more knowledge that would help produce more effective pharmaceutical products . It would also help increase the lifespan of average human beings. Gene therapy for people with genetic diseases would have increased life spans as well as genetic modification for those who are healthy. The lifespan of 100 -150 years could be the norm.

      In conclusion, gene modification is beneficial for the human race. It is capable of curing genetic diseases and mutations, eliminating genetic diseases, producing more effective pharmaceutical products, and in the long run it would increase the lifespan of average human beings.

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